Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Madagascar 4 Movie Earn Large Amount On This Year

This could be proven even more so for Hugo Weaving's character. Also when I said the battle sequences were gritty horrific and realistic I meant it. These are the most realistic battle sequences I've seen since Saving Private Ryan. Though I could keep going on and on how I love this movie. I deeply recommend you to see this it's one of the best war movies I've seen in a while and is probably going to be a contender in this year’s Oscars.

Mel Gibson continues to prove his talent and skill as a filmmaker with Hacksaw Ridge making one wonder why he doesn't make more movies more often. Upon realizing the obvious one is left saddened that an artist full of passion and love for the art of filmmaking an individual who has so much to say with a voice unlike any other is not allowed reaching his full potential. Underneath and behind the surface Hacksaw Ridge wonderfully and beautifully exemplifies Gibson's potential to direct other types of genre movies like Romance Comedy Action and Drama. I laughed cried multiple times felt inspired and truly feared for the characters in this film. I highly recommend seeing this film in the theater. I give Hacksaw Ridge an A.

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